Saturday 11 August 2012

Office Vaasthu:

It is most important. Eye of the man is as important as life. Both of them must be healthy, in the same way it will not be enough if the residence alone is constructed according to vaasthu. The office or shop , which are so important, should not only be scientifically suitable but also the furniture arrangement, the direction we have to face while sitting or seating are equally important. What is wrong in the sitting posture, what if things are placed in any direction are questions posed in experienced people. We have to bypass them.
            The office is east facing one should arrange flooring from west to east and from south to north. Office Boss has to sit leaning against southern south east wall without touching the wall on the east side or that direction. He should face north and keep the cash box or almirah on his left. If the boss is sitting east in the same direction, he has to keep cash box or almirah on the right side. There should be no peal on this side. Vaasthu for office ensures the smoothness of work in the office premises. Following Vaasthu remedies for offices helps to make sure, that the employees will work efficiently and effectively, proving to be an asset for the company and not a liability. Vaster principles for offices, takes into consideration many factors like proper location or space of the office, office exteriors in terms of its slope, shape etc, direction in which different departments of the office and the reception are located, position of various electronic gadgets and many more. Some important points rather than vaasthu is a good looking decorated entrance brings a pleasant fragrance and another thing regarding soft music will attract more customers.  Now a days so many banks and offices are following this techniques. Regarding Light it well and keep it free of clutter and useless furniture because a dirty, dark and congested entrance is bad for business. It will keep away customers, friends, profits and needed persons. A well placed aquarium or a fountain will have a soothing effect on the customers and guests. It is better to have a large main door rather than a restraining main door. A well finished old door looks mature and respectable, and indicates stability and promises better business. An old and shabby door which does not open freely, has a missing door knob should be repaired immediately. Hanging a wind chime in the entrance and installing a statue of Lord Ganesh promotes positive energy, reduces work related tension, helps to keep away obstacles and intruders, and customers who have visited once are likely to visit again. Creaking doors and windows should be strictly avoided.In observation if there are any, oil the hinges immediately.
             Create a pleasing atmosphere in the Office. This is the primary condition. Use balanced lighting, fresh flowers, soothing colours, aesthetic interior decoration, sound-absorbent flooring and piped music to create the desired atmosphere. Display your Company's products, their photographs, or brochures about your services in the lobby. The products or the literature should be well lit by focused lights. The customer must be attracted towards them as soon as he enters the reception area. Design the Reception in the North-Eastern direction. But earmark the actual North-Eastern corner of the office for the image of a deity, or if nothing else, then decorate it well with light and flowers. Avoid having rest rooms in eshan (Northeast) corner of the office. This always proves disastrous results and blocks off growth and happiness in career and personal life.
              The office of the Chairman or the General Manager chamber can be located in South-West (nairuthi) or Southern part of the Office. It is desirable that he should sit in the South-West corner of his office in such a way that he faces East. Usually place a heavy safe in the South-Western corner of the room of the boss. in which important documents, papers about Company's assets, files of important projects etc are stored.  Embedding it in the wall is also a good idea. Similarly earmark a place in the North-West area of his room where files which need to be attended to by others are kept.
             The middle management cadre staff should be placed in North & East zones. Effort should be made to keep the Center of the office clean. I usually cordon it off and place a floral motif on the floor, a piece of art, or the image of a deity to keep it tidy. Southeast is the corner for Fire, or appliances which generate heat. Earmark the South-Eastern or Agneya area for placement of Generators, Inverters, Electric Meter, main Power Switch, Computer servers, even the office pantry. It is important to ensure that no one should be sitting directly under a beam. If it is so, then the work desk needs to be shifted. This also applies to computers and other r office equipments. In like manner, there are specific directions for parking, toilets, warehouse, customer waiting area, stairs, elevators, external surroundings, direction of the main entrance of the building and so on.
This matter is from
Key word:Office vaasthu

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